Natosha Ward

Contact Information
- Classroom Phone: (870) 819-0427 - Leave a message
- Office Phone: (870) 886-3482 - All transportation changes need to go through this number.
- Email:
- School Webpage - Lawrence County Schools
Important Information
- Please check your child's folder nightly.
- If you have transportation changes, please be sure to write me a written note. If you have a last minute change, please try to call the office at 886-3482 by 2:00 in the afternoon so that the message can be relayed to me. Otherwise I will send the child home in the usual way.
- Breakfast is served in the classroom at 7:50. Please have students at school by 7:50 if they plan to eat breakfast. We begin our learning time at 8:15, and it is difficult to begin our lessons with food in the classroom.